Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello everyone. Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the temperature is perfect, Stephanie and I went on a nice run this morning...its just great. Oh, and class got postoned an hour. I'm very happy.

I don't have much to talk about really. We had 3 classes yesterday and they were all pretty interesting. We talked alot of about risk management and ecological services. It was really interesting to learn more about what pushes companies to "go green". I didn't realize how many people can have an affect on companies and the way they use our resources. There are alot of stakeholders who put pressure on companies to become more sustainable such as the media, competitors, and non-governmental organizations.

We also watched the movie The 11th Hour last night which is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio. First, I'd like to say that he shouldnt have narrated the movie because he's an actor and it looked like he was acting when he was talking about our effect on the earth. Not a good choice in my opinion. Either way, the movie was insane. I'm pretty sure they were using the fear tactic to make the viewer realize that everything on earth will die if we don't change our habits. They talked alot about water scarcity, the extinction of oceanic life, dead zones, storm enhancement, etc. It was really interesting and it kept my attention the majority of the time. It did motivate me to act because I feel more conscious about my water usage and throwing away trash among other things.

Jumping back to the present - our trip to the Osa Penninsula ended up getting postponed to Sunday because of Tropical Storm Alma. Today, we're having class instead and starting to work on our group projects. Instead of next Thursday, we're going white water rafting all day tomorrow then coming back to San Jose before leaving for the Pennisnula tomorrow. I'm pumped to have this nice break with nice weather and rafting tomorrow should be a blast.

In case you feel like helping me out, you should go to this website:

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I'm just learning how to leave comments. :)