Thursday, May 29, 2008

Manuel Antonio

Tuesday and Wednesday were an experience...not the most amazing but still and experience. Our whole group of 27 (minus our instructors) went Manuel Antonio Beach in search of a nice relaxing trip and to catch some rays. It ended up after our 4 hour bus ride there that it rained the entire time.
We went to the beach anyways and got to enjoy the huge waves and riptides. It was a good time other than my ear becoming full of water. We were all diving into the waves and getting flipped around and upside down by the currents which was really scary at first but still a blast.
We all went to happy hour where that had 2 x 1 tropical drinks and we took over the place which made it alot of fun. Our bus ended up taking us to a salsa and meringue restaurant/bar/club which was sooo much fun. I didn't really know what I was doing but the guy leads so all I did was just spin around.
We actually got to sleep in the next morning and nobody went to the beach because it was raining again...surprise, surprise. Then we took a long busride back as everybody talked about how the rain was depressing us. Either way, were in Costa Rica but its hard when the beach trip wasn't what we were waiting for.
We woke up this morning to more rain and found out that there is a tropical "depression" over Costa Rica right now which is why it has been raining non stop. Its called Tropical Storm Alma. Apparently, if the storm doesn't go North like its supposed to, then we may have to change our plans for the weekend. We're supposed to be going to the Osa Penninsula which is the hardcore rainforest/jungle that nobody goes to because its so hard to get to (combo of driving/boating/hiking). This is where were supposed to see all of the exotic creatures and sleep at a nature preserve under mosquito nets. Sounds like a good time...if its not raining. If you can't tell, i'm soo hating rain right now.
We're scheduled to have class all day today to make up for our trip to Manuel Antonio. We're one class in with two more to go. I'm starting to realize that class is the most relaxing part of our trip because we're sitting still. The material is really interesting too which helps. We talked about all of the negative parts of the world today. That made you feel good about life. All of the water shortages, deforestation, desertification, etc. I heard a lot about it in my geology course but to hear about it all at once just makes you realize alot about how we live. We also have our midterm/"short exam" this afternoon. We'll see how it goes.

Well I have to go back to class. I'll add pictures eventually when we have more free time.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Hi Abby,
Your grandma gave me your blogger address. I really enjoy reading about your adventures and also enjoy the pictures. Looks and sounds like you are having fun and really enjoying your time there.
Take care