Tuesday, May 20, 2008

PHOTOs finally

Here are a few photos over the past few days... Here are a bunch of us just hanging out in the Atlanta airport during our 4.5 hour layover.
This is my bed. Note the picture in the top left corner...I'll reference it later in this blog.
Here a Caribbean Cow. They have these cows all over San Jose and each is decorated differently to represent something to do with Costa Rica. This one is supposed to be a dressed like Caribbean Costa Rican women. Very conservative as you can tell.
The National Museum.
The whole group in front of a big statue in downtown San Jose.
Since yesterday's blog some pretty crazy things have happened...well mainly just one. Last night we got to go out with most of the group to a local bar which was alot of fun. I got to try some Costa Rican drinks which were good (mainly beer). My roommates and I had our first cab experience which went great. He took us right home (I'm not sure what else I was expecting). After we got back, I noticed another ant on my wall which I had been seeing a few randomly in this same area of my wall but never thought much of it. Well last night I wanted to do something about it so I went to kill it and it crawled behind a picture frame in my room. I casually grab the frame and lift it from the wall expecting to see an ant. WOW, not just one...picture over 100 ants crawling frantically around behind this frame and falling to the floor and crawling all over the floor. Not just regualr small USA ants. BIG RED ants. They were crawling everywhere so my roommate went and grabbed the Raid and I drenched my entire room and killed them all. They were climbing into my suitcase (which was empty thankfully). I ended up sleeping on the couch in the hall until my host mama came and woke me up and ask what was wrong. I told her and she cleaned it up right then which was nice. I don't know what else could make me homesick. I got over it quickly though :)
Today we had a crash course on the basics of risk management and the business environment. We talked about how everything varies by country and culture and how regulations differ greatly. I think the course were taking is going to be very intesting because I get to see sustainablity from a business light and compare it to my geology background. I know that our trips out of San Jose are going to teach me even more because of the actual experiences.
Tomorrow and Thursday we are going to two different coffee plantations. I'm excited to learn more about the process and see how they go about being sustainable in Costa Rica. We're having a guest lecture today purely on Costa Rican sustainability which should help me get more out of our trips in the next few weeks. Well I have to go to the lecture now. Adios.
PS. For anyone who doesn't know, I have to write four posts each about bananas, coffee and tourism for class. Hints the blog about bananas before this.


Anonymous said...

Ooops my bad. You had a very nice blog about bananas, you should get an A+. Sounds like your having a lot of fun, I wish I was in Costa Rica with you.

jeffiscool said...

I heard if you get ants in your pants they make you dance!!!! :-P haha

.Abby. said...

Yes, I was being graded. Haha I had a feeling that someone wouldnt get it...and that would be you!

Oh, and I didnt get ants in my pants thank goodness!